Watching the Skies with Interest: February-March 2022
Usually when I read astrology, I do so personally, with natal, predictive, and relationship readings that are specific to the individual in question. But as I’ve been reading this past month or so, I’ve been watching a series of planetary convergences that impact us all.
They are so spectacular that I thought I might shine a light on them a bit. These are broad energies that impact everyone. As always, how they appear in your personal chart determines how much you are feeling, in what life areas, and if harmoniously or inharmoniously.
Between now and the Vernal Equinox on March 20th (in Denver, anyway), there will be substantial activation in the northern hemisphere wintertime signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. We have one set of planets activating Capricorn and Aquarius and a second set activating Pisces at the same time. What follows is my exploration of these themes.
One way of understanding astrological signs is through an archetypal, developmental lens. By this thinking, the progression of signs throughout the astrological year symbolizes human development, from forming a personality (Aries) to transcending the Earth plane and moving on to the next (Pisces).
The aspects that I’m tracking will place a great deal of energy into the signs that symbolize the mature soul:
Capricorn. Coming home to the inevitability of time, aging, and learning our life lessons. Earning our reputation and stability. Careers, governments, father figures fall under this sign. Capricorn is an Earth sign, ruled by the planet Saturn.
Aquarius. Opening into group consciousness and service for the greater good rather than the individual. Accepting the changing nature of all things, and that which is unexpected. Groups to whom you belong, your goals, and inspired genius fall under this sign. Despite being mythologically associated with the water bearer, Aquarius in an air sign, ruled by the plant Uranus.
Pisces. Sensitivity, interconnection, and depth. Opening to the subconscious and unconscious, be it individual or collective. One foot on the Earth and the other in a deeper world, reaching into the beyond. Pisces governs spirituality, that which entraps us, and substance use. Pisces is a water sign and is ruled by the planet Neptune.
Already these energies are activated. The Sun is marching through the winter signs, and the Benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, were activating Capricorn and Pisces respectively during the winter holiday season 2021.
Let’s look at the Capricorn and Aquarius activations first. Venus went retrograde* in Capricorn around the time of the Winter Solstice, and there she remains; Mercury retrograded in Aquarius in mid-January and is now also in late Capricorn. By the time Mercury goes direct on February 5th (MST), Venus will also be direct—and joined by Mars in Capricorn.
And here it gets interesting. Venus and Mars—personal planets of feminine energy, possession, and love (Venus) and masculine energy, activation, and sexuality (Mars)—will dance together in Capricorn for the entire month of February. They will conjoin Pluto (the planet of transformation, power, and sensuality) in late Capricorn on March 3rd.
What does it mean? I’m watching with rapt attention. Potentially this will be an interesting time for romantic connections and the integration of feminine and masculine energies inside of us. Pluto and Mars both have some very sharp edges, so don’t expect the ride to be all flowers and rainbows. Interesting, also, that these activating, integrating, transforming energies converge in Capricorn, which is a heavy, constraining sign. Seeds may be planted during February that blossom once Venus and Mars move into Aquarius on March 7th.
Now Saturn (karmic lessons and earned stature) has been hanging out in Aquarius for the past year. Michael used to say that the only thing that can break the grip of a hard Saturn is Uranus/Aquarius energy (genius, unexpected change, goals). Another way to look at these two energies is that Saturn/Capricorn is about YOU, Uranus/Aquarius is about US. Think meeting the karmic taskmaster (Saturn) with an infusion of electricity (Uranus).
Saturn in Aquarius (as well as Pluto in Capricorn, for that matter) feels like shaking the foundations. In addition to that Saturnian energy, Aquarius will be illuminated:
in early February by the Sun (life force, creative will),
mid-February by Mercury (communication, the everyday thinking mind),
and finally by the now conjoined Venus and Mars after they conjunct Pluto in early March.
Perhaps a period of incubating integration and transformation in February, and then feeling it open up in surprising ways come March? As Mars the Activator steps into Aquarius the Sign of Unexpected Change, just about anything could develop. Throw in some moderation from Venus the Lover and constraint from Saturn the Father of Time—ooh! I just can’t wait to see what’s coming!
While all of this is going on, we have a whole different energy blooming in sensitive, subterranean Pisces. Jupiter (fortune, expanse, higher mind) joined Neptune (spirituality, depth, sub/unconscious mind) in Neptune’s home sign Pisces around New Year’s Eve. Neptune is, in many ways, a higher vibrational octave of Jupiter, both planets carrying similar meanings and energies (much in the same way that Pluto is a higher vibrational octave of Mars—so cool that we get to see these pairs of planets merge their energies during this interesting time!).
The March 2nd new moon, at 12° Pisces 6”, illuminates that deep Piscean energy, especially since it occurs within a couple of degrees of Jupiter:
The Sun (life force, creative will, divine masculine)
conjunct the Moon (emotions, home, divine feminine)
conjunct Jupiter (fortune and expanse)
in Pisces (spirituality, depth, sub/unconscious mind)
while the ruling planet of Pisces (Neptune) is simultaneously 10 degrees later in the sign. On the 11th, subtle Mercury (communication, everyday thinking mind) moves into Pisces as well.
Was that a mind-full or what? Here’s what it means:
Helloooooo Piscean energy!
When harmonious, Pisces has a high spiritual vibration, deeply intuitive, otherworldly at times. Interconnected with all, seeing beyond. When inharmonious, Pisces can drown you in emotion, entraping you in murky depths that lack clarity and understanding.
How March will start for you is personal, but overall, this stellium (4+ planets in a single sign) leans in the direction of harmony, at least to my thinking.
As I’ve been researching this incredible confluence of energies, I haven’t come across any specific predictions that ring true, save one: that likely these next two months aren’t going to bring any one big event. Rather, this will be a period of increased energy and activation, of spiritual maturation leading into the astrological New Year (the Vernal Equinox, when the Sun moves into Aries). Now is an excellent time to integrate lessons as we prepare for the season of new energy and new life.
This period seems particularly harmonious for the healing and integration of feminine and masculine energies inside of us. Venus and Mars, Moon and Sun. Mother and father issues, partnership issues, and subconscious healing all may ask for attention as we march toward the Vernal Equinox. Influences of stability, change, and depth color all.
Deep healing is indicated for those called to work during this period. May it greet you harmoniously.
Warmly, Tiffany
* Retrograde motion refers to the planet appearing to move backward in its orbit relative to the Earth. During periods of retrograde motion, the energies of the planet can become more subdued and we often have opportunities to understand ourselves differently.
I provide individual astrological consultations for both natal and predictive purposes as well as synastry (relationship astrology). Contact me for more info.