Monthly memberships
Recurring monthly autopay is the most economical option for paying for group classes. Prices for these monthly memberships take into account the every 7th week off as well as 2 weeks off for the holidays. Memberships can be canceled at any time and can be placed on pause if you anticipate a long period of missing class (contact Tiffany if you need help with this).
If you wish to do a monthly membership, you may click on the link below to set up your membership through Evolition’s Stripe account, or you may work with Tiffany to set one up through your Zelle.
Monthly membership for one class per week: $88/month
Monthly membership for two classes per week: $161/month
Monthly memberships for three classes per week: $221/month (includes 11 free classes during the year)
Monthly membership for unlimited classes per week: $282/month