Deepening Ahimsa
to Mar 30

Deepening Ahimsa

  • Livestream via Zoom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

There is a pathway available to each of us that can both heal our individual pain and that of the world. It is so essential and so powerful that the cultivation of it is the cornerstone of all of Yoga: अहिंसा. Ahimsa. Non-injury, more commonly known as nonviolence. Join Tiffany for these drop-in, donation-based experiential Zoom sessions, where we will practice the deeper work of becoming less violent to ourselves and in the world.

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Be Here Now Yoga Retreat in Troncones, Mexico
to Dec 6

Be Here Now Yoga Retreat in Troncones, Mexico

Relish the Present Moment with this Yoga Retreat in Troncones, Mexico, a tranquil and beautiful beach, washed by the warm clear waters of the Pacific Ocean. Troncones is located 20 miles from the fabulous sleepy fishing village of Zihuatanejo. We will be staying on Manzanilla Bay, the most protected and beautiful beach in Troncones.

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The Deeper Work
to Feb 9

The Deeper Work

  • Evolition, LLC, c/o Akasha Collective (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Chronic pain, mental and physical habits (like negative self talk, limiting beliefs, overeating, trouble maintaining routines), even the quality of our rest have roots far below the surface of the thinking mind. And, as you doubtless know, you can’t think or troubleshoot your way out of them, no matter how hard you try. In this 6-week workshop-style series, we’ll dive into aspects of our psychologies and physiologies that are hidden below the surface, learn how to illuminate them, and practice skills for true transformational change.

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Be Here Now Yoga Retreat with Zoreh Afsarzadeh and Tiffany Bucknam
to Dec 7

Be Here Now Yoga Retreat with Zoreh Afsarzadeh and Tiffany Bucknam

Relish the Present Moment with this Yoga Retreat in Troncones, Mexico, a tranquil and beautiful beach, washed by the warm clear waters of the Pacific Ocean. Troncones is located 20 miles from the fabulous sleepy fishing village of Zihuatanejo. We will be staying on Manzanilla Bay, the most protected and beautiful beach in Troncones at Hacienda Eden. You'll enjoy delicious, healthy seafood and vegetarian entrees prepared by professional gourmet chefs with two meals included each day.

Just a short walk down the glorious beach, you will arrive at Yoga del Pacifico, the outdoor studio where each day Zoreh and Tiffany will offer two classes exploring yoga asana and breath to unfold natural, fluid  movement inside the structure of the pose. As restrictions fall away you'll expand authentically into your own unique sense of play and joy.

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Keeping My Class Full: Support for Teachers of Group Classes
to Nov 25

Keeping My Class Full: Support for Teachers of Group Classes

Building and maintaining class attendance is a partnership between the studio and the teacher. In this two part, livestream event, we'll explore the things that teachers of group classes (yoga, fitness, dance, etc) can do to uphold class sizes that sustain both the studio and your teaching. The first of two sessions will focus on the emotional, psychological, and energetic actions you can take inside of yourself to support your class size. The second focuses on external actions for growth.

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Beginning Yoga
to Jun 25

Beginning Yoga

Join Tiffany Bucknam for an intimate and meaningful introduction to Yoga practice. In these small group classes, we’ll learn about Yoga’s eight limbs and practice asana (poses) and pranayama (breath practice). All questions are welcome in this supportive circle!

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BE HERE NOW Yoga Retreat with Zoreh Afsarzadeh and Tiffany Bucknam
to Dec 2

BE HERE NOW Yoga Retreat with Zoreh Afsarzadeh and Tiffany Bucknam

Relish the Present Moment with this Yoga Retreat in Troncones, Mexico. Troncones is located 20 miles from the fabulous sleepy fishing village of Zihuatanejo. We will be staying on the Manzanilla Bay, the most protected and beautiful beach in Troncones. Just a short walk down the glorious beach, you will arrive at Yoga del Pacifico, the outdoor studio where each day Zoreh and Tiffany will offer two classes per day exploring yoga asana and breath. Two gourmet seafood or vegetarian meals will be provided every day and your days will be open for relaxation, massage, friendship, and eco-touring.

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Supported Self-Compassion Practice
to Oct 24

Supported Self-Compassion Practice

In these drop-in, donation-only sessions, Tiffany will guide a self-compassion practice, a weekly opportunity for self-connection and healing. This is a great, low-impact way to more deeply and regularly integrate self-compassion into your life, replacing old habits of self criticism and judgement with something far more supportive. Available in person at the Akasha Collective or at home via Zoom.

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Fall Equinox Cacao Ceremony, Restorative Reiki, and Sound Bath
1:00 PM13:00

Fall Equinox Cacao Ceremony, Restorative Reiki, and Sound Bath

Enjoy a luscious afternoon of multi-sensory healing to welcome to Fall Equinox! Paired with the ceremonial drinking of cacao, a heart-opening herb, we will bathe in soothing vibrational sound while practicing restorative yoga. While the poses are held, practitioners will provide Reiki and light massage.

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Supported Self-Compassion Practice
to Aug 29

Supported Self-Compassion Practice

In these drop-in, donation-only sessions, Tiffany will guide a self-compassion practice, a weekly opportunity for self-connection and healing. This is a great, low-impact way to more deeply and regularly integrate self-compassion into your life, replacing old habits of self criticism and judgement with something far more supportive. Available in person at the Akasha Collective or at home via Zoom.

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Outer Body, Inner Body, Subtle Body: A Kim Schwartz Weekend Workshop
to Apr 30

Outer Body, Inner Body, Subtle Body: A Kim Schwartz Weekend Workshop

Join us for a weekend of exploring transformational organization of yoga poses. Masterful Teacher Trainer Kim Schwartz will take us through sequences to explore the outer body (muscles and bones), inner body (organs and breath), and subtle body (nadis and chakras). As each layer becomes more aligned, the next layer reveals itself. This workshop is appropriate for both teachers and experienced students. Practitioners from all disciplines and lineages of Yoga are welcome.

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