Our culture’s disconnect from nature fascinates me. The way we practice new beginnings during the season of hibernation. Celebrate the most sacred time of the year with excesses, then dive headlong into the opposite extreme. No wonder our resolutions fall apart by the end of January! Since when does teeter-tottering from one extreme to the next bring anything close to health or success?
That said, there is an important energy attached to the “New Year.” 2000+ years of cultural imperative is a load of momentum that can be supportive with the right technique. I’ve been reflecting a great deal this year on how best to harness that energy in a way that supports my own growth and transformation. As I’ve done this, a strong desire has arisen to share it with you.
Lunar Cycles
Look to the cycles of the moon for assistance manifesting. Twelve (and a third) lunar phases per year support us in a cycle of tuning in and taking action. Under the waning moon, reflect, witness, do internal work. When the moon is waxing, turn your energy outward and create. Two feminine/lunar weeks to rest, incubating creative potential; two masculine/solar weeks to activate, bringing that which has incubated into being.
January 1, 2024 is in the waning phase of the lunar cycle. We had a full moon on 12/26 in the sign Cancer. Our next New Moon is 1/11 in Capricorn. This is such an auspicious lunar cycle for new beginnings! Cancer is ruled by the Moon herself, providing gentle, nurturing support for our incubating. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, bringing the energy of grounding and building once the Full Moon comes.
Solar Cycles
That said, these Lunations happen within the greater container of the Earth herself, and Winter is time to rest and renew. To lay foundation (Sun in Capricorn), energize and get inspired (Sun in Aquarius), and connect with the Divine (Sun in Pisces) before the ardent activation of Aries starts the Spring. Winter is the only season lacking a fire sign. Fire, the energy of doing, is the energy of Spring, Summer, and Autumn.
Winter instead is a time of Earth (laying foundation), Air (clarity and inspiration), and Water (depth and intuition).
A couple of days ago, I had a conversation with one of my Mothers in Law on the topic of spiritual surrender. She pointed out that God is always there for you, as long as you are doing your part. We support that process by making good use of our Winter incubating time. By understanding the difference between collapse and rest, indulgence and true self care, we can support the manifestation of our goals far more effectively.
A Winter Ritual
The MAP Coaching Institute uses a framework for manifestation that I find both practical and powerful. It has 3 steps, the first two of which are well timed for the current season:
1. Identify a crystal clear, specific vision of that which you wish to manifest
2. Identify and remove barriers to living your dream
3. Begin to live as though you have already achieved your vision
The current waning moon is an excellent, excellent time to begin your manifestation process. Go deeper than a simple goal and reflect: what do I really want? What am I trying to do here? Go deeper still: what would your life look like—in clear detail—if you achieved your dream?
As you reflect, the barriers to your vision will become apparent. And part of your foundation laying can include removing them. For example, as I have dreamed the dream of a healthier relationship with food, I realized that I use food to manage my nervous system. Eating is good medicine when I’m feeling frazzled! Sadly, eating to manage my nervous system is mutually exclusive with eating to fuel my body in the healthiest way. If I’m going to shift my relationship with food, I need some new skills to manage my nervous system. And developing those skills is going to take some time—behold, the three glorious months of Winter!
Perhaps, as you work with your intention in this way, you will realize that what you thought was your intention isn’t really what you intended after all. Maybe you set a goal to get to the gym 3 days per week, but as you work with it, you realize that what you’re really after is far deeper: a lifestyle shift that includes more exercise. Suddenly, your horizon is far broader: regular exercise that happens both inside and outside of the 4 walls of the rec center. Shifting the way you spend time with friends from drinks and dinner to hiking or pickleball dates.
Imagine the momentum . . .
you would develop behind your intention by starting now, during this auspicious time, and working with it through the entire Winter season. By surfing the waves of the lunar cycles through Leo (willing)/Aquarius (inspiring) and Virgo (harvesting)/Pisces (deepening), each time growing more clear in your vision and your understanding of the obstacles?
Round after round of this work, gaining clarity and insight as you go. Deepening, refining, exploring. I’ll bet you’ll discover some of the deeper “whys” that keep you from living your dream now. The needs met by your current behaviors. It may cause you to question your intentions. It will almost certainly create shifts in your behavior.
And suddenly, you won’t be able to help yourself with the third step—you will live yourself right into the vision that you’re cultivating. No being at the mercy of the winds of motivation. No beating yourself up for falling off the wagon. Just an ever deepening embodiment of your intention.
The time is right, right now. Let’s begin.