The planet Mercury goes retrograde on Sunday, 9/11/22 at 8 degrees 53 minutes Libra, and enters direct motion again on Monday, 10/3/22 at 24 degrees 14 minutes Virgo.
But what does this mean?
Retrograde motion is an astronomical phenomenon whereby, due to the planets orbiting the sun at different rates, a planet appears to be moving backward from the Earth’s vantage point. Think of it as an optical illusion.
In astrology, retrograde motion is a symbol of a lessening of or interference with the planet in question’s energy, sort of like a reverse tarot card. Mercury rules the daily mind—our thought processes—communications, commutes, siblings and neighbors. During Mercury retrograde, we may find ourselves thinking less clearly, making poor decisions, feeling like we just can’t get our point across, and miscommunicating.
Mercury retrogrades typically happen 3-4 times per year. They are generally considered to be inauspicious times for making major decisions, negotiating, or signing contracts because of the potential to overlook important details.
As in all of astrology, however, energies that seem daunting are often blessings in disguise. If you have a problem plaguing you, the retrograde may usher in new perspective. Things may cross the mind that haven’t in a while, like an old friend or activity you used to enjoy. As with all things, it’s the attitude that you hold that often determines your experience.
That is doubly true with this particular retrograde through early Libra and late Virgo. Virgo is the ruler of our house of health and attitude and Libra the experience of our personality in the context of relationships. Over these next few weeks, we may be called to observe our attitudes and how they play out in the larger world, especially in our relationships with those close to us. Conversely, to understand how our close relationships impact our health.
If we’ve fallen into pessimistic or critical thought patterns, how are our relationships affected? What about our overall health and vitality? If we cultivate more productive, positive attitudes, do things improve?
Under stress, Virgo energy can lead to a paralysis by analysis pattern, where we overthink situations to the point of getting stuck or making ourselves unwell. Likewise, unbalanced Libra energy may place us in a bind between opposing forces, opinions, or needs that prevents us from moving in any direction because we can’t find the middle ground.
In the event that you find yourself in such waters these next few weeks, hang tight. Clarity will catch up with you by mid-October!
The Vishuddha Chakra in the throat region is ruled by the planet Mercury. Over many years, I’ve noticed that, by the end of a retrograde period, stiff necks and shoulders arise. Keep them moving and mind your sleep posture. Sarvangasana (All Parts Pose/Shoulderstand) and Sirsasana (Headstand) are auspiciously practiced during this time, provided your form is good and you’ve robustly warmed your body for your practice.
Please mind that all of these things are generalizations; to know more specifically how any astrological phenomena will affect you, we’d need to compare them to your birth chart specifically. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.